Main Page

From TeaGeekWiki
Revision as of 17:52, 13 December 2007 by Michaeljcoffey (Talk | contribs)

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Welcome to the Tea Geek Wiki!

Have fun looking around! The goal of Tea Geek is to make available the best, most accurate, most reliable information about tea for those who care about such things. As such, Tea Geek founder Michael J. Coffey and others are continually adding information to this wiki, providing citations to information sources like tea farmers, scientific studies, and published tea information wherever possible.

We always have room for more content contributors, and there's always non-academic work to do (like cleaning up spam postings, adding formatting, photographing tea, building templates, or even just giving feedback and asking questions on the "talk" pages for various articles). Please jump in and add to the collection in whatever way you can!

If content creation is your thing, please feel free to help us with some high-level articles:

Some places to start exploring include:

Other interesting pages to visit are the New Pages page and the Recent Changes page.

Also be aware that we'd eventually like articles about each kind of tea, with as many specifics as possible about where it's grown, how it's processed, and so on.